exchange - Международная деятельность СПбГУ

Campus Europae

General information


Campus Europae programme affords students an opportunity to spend a year abroad studying in a new university using a different language and combine academic studies with intensive language learning.


In the frameworks of Campus Europae project international students may come to Saint-Petersburg  University for 1 term or 1 academic year. 


Academic terms and application deadlines

Fall (1st) Semester: from 1st of September to 31st of January

Spring (2nd) Semester: from 14th of February to 1st of July

Application deadline: 15th of May


Application procedure

Students who want to come to SPbU in the frame of Campus Europae programme follow the general SPbU application procedure for exchange students. List of necessary documents and details of application procedure can be found here. 

Academic offer is available on our webpage


Language Learning:

During exchange period in SPbU Campus Europae students can attend 8 academic hours per week of free Russian language course along with classes at their host faculty. If chosen, they can attend full-time Russian language course (20 academic hours per week) without attending any other classes in SPbU.


The address of the SPSU dormitory is: Kapitanskaya str. 3 (Primorskaya metro station). The approximate price for one person is RUR 3 750 RUR per month. Students are accomodated in shared rooms for 2-3 people.


Campus Europae coordinator at SPbU:

Ekaterina Melekhova


Campus Europae student representative at SPbU:

Irina Baigozina