Hokkaido Summer Institute 2018 [Hokkaido University, JAPAN]

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Hokkaido University (HU) was established in 1876 as Sapporo Agricultural College with a mission to produce graduates needed for the development of the frontier, Hokkaido island. During the institution’s long history of more than 140 years, HU has fostered the four basic philosophies of education and research: Frontier Spirit, Global P As a part of the future reform strategy towards the 150th anniversary of Hokkaido University (HU), the university launched the Hokkaido Summer Institute (HSI) in 2016, utilizing the climate advantage of summer in Hokkaido which is cooler than any other regions of Japan. HSI is a program that brings together leading researchers with proven educational and research track records from around the world, and provides courses in collaboration with HU faculty members. In 2018, more than 160 researchers from over 110 universities/research institutes from all over the world will gather at HU.
HSI allows participants to expand their knowledge of subjects in cutting-edge fields of research at HU that previously were open only to students of the university. Program participants have an opportunity to attend classes that employ attractive educational techniques, such as field training in Hokkaido’s extensive land resources and active learning activities, so they can develop into professionals capable of thriving on the world stage.
All instruction at HSI is in English. This provides international students with a stress-free learning environment without having to worry about language barriers, and also creates a special opportunity for Japanese students, who can audit classes taught by internationally acclaimed researchers. The university strongly hopes that HSI students will cultivate a better understanding of other cultures and improve their English-language proficiency and communication skills through exchanges with researchers and students from other countries. Off-campus events and field trips are also planned so participants can enjoy Hokkaido’s beautiful summer.erspectives, All-round Education and Practical Learning.

Hokkaido Summer Institute (HSI) 2018 website.

HSI 2018 offers 120 courses in various fields: 15 courses for undergraduate students and 105 courses for graduate students

Course Categories

Online application periods 1 February, 2018 – 26 February, 2018

Where can I find information?  Video

Kita 15, Nishi 8, Kita-ku, Sapporo Hokkaido 060-0815 JAPAN


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