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Winter School University of Tallinn

The Tallinn Winter School takes place in January every year and in addition to attending the courses, participants can learn more about the local culture.

“Great atmosphere; right balance between studying and socialising.“
Katharina Radner, Austria ,participant of Estonian Language course 2014

Further information on Tallinn Winter School can be found on our webpage:  

Winter School University of Jyvaskyla

The University of Jyvaskyla invites all SPbU students to the Winter School in Sport Sciences which will be offered by the Department of Sport Sciences at the University of Jyväskylä. This Winter School is offered completely in English and the tuition is waived for the students of our partner universities.

In addition to the academic courses an extensive social programme for the Winter School participants will be offered, including e.g. cultural tours and getting to know the Finnish life and society.

It is possible for the students to participate either only the two weeks of the Winter School or include the Winter School as part of the exchange period for the autumn or spring semester at the university of Jyvaskyla.

The application form together with other information concerning the Winter School can be found at

Магистерская и аспирантская программа в сфере оптики и фотоники Школы Фотоники Аббе, Германия

Международная магистерская и аспирантская программа в сфере оптики и фотоники в Школе Фотоники Аббе при Университете Фридриха Шиллера в г. Йена

Стипендия: 700 евро в месяц иностранным студентам, покрывающая расходы на обучение и проживание, дополнительно покрываются расходы на медицинское страхование, проезд и другие расходы, связанные с обучением.
Образовательная программа финансируется Европейским Союзом, Федеральным правительством Германии и немецкой оптической промышленностью.

Образовательная программа включает:

  • активное вовлечение научного руководителя в процесс проведения исследований;
  • чтение лекций приглашенными иностранными преподавателями;
  • учебная стажировка в одной из компаний, работающих в сфере оптики: Berlinger Glas, Jenoptik, Leica, Limo, Nanoplus, Novaled, Osram, Phillips, Polytec, Precitec-Optronik, Rofin, Saueressig, Trumpf, U2T, Wetzel, Zeiss и т.д.

Контактная информация:
Abbe School of Photonics
Max Wien Platz 1, 07743 Jena
Тел: +49 (0) 3641 947 960


“Art in Germany: From the Middle Ages to the 20th Century”

Utrecht University invites SPbU students to the course Art in Germany: From the Middle Ages to the 20th Century. This course is offered in cooperation with  FUBiS in Berlin.

The “Art in Germany” course gives participants an overview of different historical epochs and styles and introduces Berlin’s outstanding art collections. The course is designed for undergraduate students and especially addresses art history students, but is also open for other students. Detailed information about the course can be found on the Utrecht Summer School website:

The course will be taught in English and comprises 48 contact hours. Students earn 4 ECTS credits upon successful completion of the course.

Accommodation-wise, students will stay in single rooms in student dorms (included in the course fee). For more information:

Students can combine the 2-week Berlin course with one course at Utrecht Summer School as part of the combination trackA Thousand Years of Art in Northern Europe(4 weeks). Students may also choose a combination of three courses (Florence, Utrecht, Berlin) as part of the combination trackEuropean Highlights(6 weeks).

Summer School in Viadrina on Human Rights

The University of Viadrina invites SPbU students to join the summer school “The European System of Human Rights Protection”


Course details:

This Summer Course deals in detail specifically and exclusively with the European System for the protection of human rights. Although there are numerous summer courses and other special study programs within Europe on human rights protection, this course concentrates on an integrated treatment of the various European systems and of specifically European issues of human rights protection, that is, with important matters relevant to over forty European countries with diverse political, economic and social systems. The subject matter, therefore, includes human rights protection under the regimes of the Council of Europe (the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Social Charter), the European Community, the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (Helsinki Accords), as well as that on the universal level of public international law to the extent it is relevant. The treatment of the substantive regimes and their specific rights catalogues will be set against the background of a consideration of the philosophical, historical, political, economic and sociological aspects of human rights, and include practical institutional matters such as complaint procedures as well as developments such as in the area of ‘New Rights’.

University of Barcelona International Summer School

This year the University of Barcelona will offer twenty-five international courses in specialized fields related to business and economics, health, natural sciences, social sciences and humanities.  The courses will allow participants to combine rigorous training and scientific excellence with a unique International experience. 

These multidisciplinary courses, taught mainly in English, are offered for one to four weeks, and are open to all international citizens, mainly focused on students, and professionals who wish to gain further knowledge in these areas. The participants will be able to earn from 2 to 6 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) depending on the length of the course.

The University of Barcelona International Summer School provides the ideal conditions to combine its long standing international teaching experience and a unique multicultural setting for the participants to develop enhanced competencies. Furthermore, the city of Barcelona creates an ideal framework to encourage the international participation since it creates a nucleus for education and all everyday cultural events occurring in the city of Barcelona.

Key relevant features:

­              Registration period for each course will finish one week before the beginning of the course;

­              Early bird registration a discount of 20% has been Extended to April 30th 2015;

­            Discount prices (10% accumulative with early bird registration discount) is available for SPbU students;

              Not included in the tuition fees: transport, accommodation, meals and personal expenses;

­              Several courses with similar subject matter are complementary and are scheduled so applicants may register for more than one;

­              Discount accommodation prices are available at the UB dormitories; the costs are not included in the tuition fees.

The University of Barcelona International Summer School offers also the following to the participants: 

­              Discount prices for local museums

­              Free local public transportation (up to 10 trips) included in the tuition fee.

­              Participation at many UB social events

­              Additional visits to local historic buildings

In case of visa application we suggest all interested persons register as soon as possible. For direct registration please follow the link.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at or at +34 93 4034022.

Программа Schwarzman Scholars, Университет Цинхуа, Пекин

Открыт очередной этап приема заявок на стипендию по Программе Schwarzman Scholars!

Программа открыта для студентов и выпускников вузов (от 18 лет до 29 лет), отлично владеющим английским языком.

Подробности о требованиях к кандидатам на стипендию здесь.

Отбор заявок на стипендии проводится на основе серьезного конкурса.

Все заинтересованные лица могут подписаться на рассылку, чтобы быть в курсе всех новостей программы, в частности касательно подачи заявки на программу. Для этого им нужно пройти по следующей ссылке:

Контакт для граждан РФ

Lappeenranta international summer school

Lapppeenranta University of Technology, Finland, welcomes students to attend summer school programme. 

The summer school programme offers 17 different courses in areas of high-technology marketing, innovation, strategic management, inventive product design, solar economy, energy technology applications etc. Courses are one-week long, and the scope is 3 ECTS credits/course. 

More information about the LUT Summer School at