Mультидисциплинарная магистерская программа в Университете Тарту, Эстония


Master of Arts in Social Sciences




Location:Tartu, Estonia

Duration of the programme:2 years

Language of instruction:English

General admission requirements:Bachelor’s degree or equivalent

Tuition fee & scholarships:€3400 per year, scholarships available


This multidisciplinary MA programmewill provide you with the analytical tools and skills to grasp the political, historical, and economic developments in Russia, the European Union, and their shared neighbourhood. EURUS combines a long-standing tradition of assured quality with a vocation to innovation and internationalization. Your learning experience will blend seminars and lectures with group work, field trips, international schools, and student-centred activities, using innovative techniques of active learning. Bridging academia and the “real world”, we emphasize not only acquiring knowledge, but also applying it.

Lean more about the programme.

Programme Coordinator oliivia.vork@ut.ee

Метки: зарубеж

Ответственный за содержание: Начальник Учебного управления Н. Г. Бойко. Предложения по внесению изменений можно направлять на адрес: n.boiko@spbu.ru.