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  • Конкурсный отбор для участия в международной образовательной программе на базе университета г.Алкала (Испания) на 2017/2018 уч. год для жителей Ленинградской обл.

Scholarships available at University of Tartu, European Union – Russia Studies MA programme

University of Tartu, Estonia


Master of Arts in Social Sciences – EUROPEAN UNION – RUSSIA STUDIES.

Тhis multidisciplinary MA programme provides students with the analytical tools and skills to grasp the political, historical, and economic developments in Russia, the European Union, and their shared neighbourhood.

EURUS combines a long-standing tradition of assured quality with a vocation to innovation and internationalization. Due to its favourable geo-political location, Estonia has often been regarded as a bridge connecting East and West. The curriculum is designed as a high quality degree programme in the field of EU area studies.

The European Union – Russia Studies (EURUS) programme offers a learning experience which combines seminars and lectures with group work, field trips, international schools, and student-centred activities, using innovative techniques of active learning. The study process encour-ages and actively favours self-initiative and critical thinking. Bridging academia and the “real world”, the programme emphasizes not only acquiring knowledge, but also applying it.

Directing Module:

Policy Transfer in Action: the Case of Public Engagement

Biopolitics, Medicine and Healthcare

Ethics and Justice in a Pluralist World

Energy and Security

Globalisation and Competitiveness

Cultures and Identities

Migration and Challenges of Human Resources

Privacy vs Publicity in Society

Sovereignty and Supranationalism

Origins and Dynamics of Power Relations


Application deadline: March 15, 2017


More information






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Ответственный за содержание: проректор по международной деятельности С.В. Андрюшин: ia@spbu.ru