Virtual Summer School 2017 – Free Places in the Course Creative Cross Cultural Communication

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DOBA Business School is organizing the 9th virtual summer school in June 2017. Cross cultural communication is becoming more and more important in today's business since the success sometimes depends on how good you understand other cultures and social groups. Cross-cultural understanding plays and important part in cross-cultural negotiation, multicultural conflict resolution, customer service, business and organizational communication.

This is the reason for organizing a free International week entitled “Creative Cross Cultural Communication” (15th June – 25th June 2017) offering interesting lectures and webinars. 

Course aims:

-   learn about the main characteristics of the archetypes of business cultures in the modern world;

-  master intercultural aspects in establishing new business contacts;

-  understand multiculturalism and the specifics of doing business in an intercultural context;

-  be able to cooperate in a multicultural work team in own company or on the level of   international business

Course structure:

 The free course is structured around online activities, individual and collaborative. Course activities are supported by a course tutor throughout the course. students and tutor will meet in the virtual learning environment Blackboard, where all resources, guidelines and forums are to be found. For technical issues online support will be provided. There are synchronous sessions (webinars) planed.


Application form Registration deadline: 30th May 2017

Course Duration: 1 week with tutorial support

Course Start: 15th June 2017

Preparatory period: 15th to 18th June

Tuition: free of charge for foreign students


More details: Virtual Summer School 2017 page

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