Tohoku University Japanese Program 2018 (TUJP2018)

Дата публикации:

Tohoku University is pleased to announce 2018 summer program.

Tohoku University Japanese Program 2018 (TUJP2018) is a program for undergraduates who'd like to learn Japanese language and culture.

For information on the program, please see website:

Application procedures:

1) Nominate up to *2 students per university through the online nomination form:

*2 students in total, not per term

 2) Forward the link for the online application form below and JASSO scholarship information attached, only to nominated students. Nominated students need to fill in the necessary information no later than the application deadline. Tohoku University only accepts applications from nominated students.

 Online application form:

 Application Deadline: 31 March, 2018 (Japan Standard Time)

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