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Интенсивные курсы немецкого языка в Гейдельберге

images/Plakat-Russisch.jpgThe Heidelberger Pädagogium is a non-profit language institute, which was founded by two high school teachers in 1969. It is located conveniently near the city centre and has evolved as one of the outstanding educational institutions in Heidelberg over the years.

Our German courses offer effective learning and individual tutoring by experienced teachers in small groups of 5 to 13 participants, from alphabetization to preparation courses for the university entrance tests.

The Heidelberger Pädagogium is a licensed test center, all our exams are recognized worldwide.

Course Structure

Level A-1 (Beginners I)

Level A-2 (Beginners II)

Level B-1 (Intermediate I)

Level B-2 (Intermediate II)

Level C-1 (Advanced)

Level C-2 (Upper Advanced)

DSH (DSH: language certificate as entry requirement for German universities) TestDaF Upper Advanced plus

The courses comprise 80 contact lessons a month (4 lessons a day from 8.50 to 12.15). The course fees amount to 285,00 EUR for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced courses; the DSH and Upper Advanced plus courses are 300,00 EUR.

Сourse system is designed as to provide courses on all levels every month.

If necessary, accommodation can be offered in single rooms in students` apartments, which are reserved for our course participants. Rents are between 250,00 and 300,00 EUR including utilities.

International students who need a visa for the duration of their stay will be issued a certificate of attendance for the respective embassy.

Research Opportunities Week / TUM

Twice a year, the TUM Talent Factory organizes the Research Opportunities Week, which is designed to recruit talented young researchers for postdoc positions at Technische Universität München. They invite 50 postdocs for a five day stay at TUM, which is fully financed by the Postdoc Mobility Fellowship. There they will have the chance to meet exceptional academics, explore the research facilities at TUM, and talk to experts in their fields.

The most talented participants of the Research Opportunities Week are then offered a TUM University Foundation Fellowship to spend one year as a postdoc at TUM with the expectation that they will, with the support of the TUM Talent Factory, apply for further funding to stay at TUM.

For the application form and further information on TUM’s Research Opportunities Week: 

Scholarships offered by the Cyprus School of Molecular Medicine

The Cyprus School of Molecutar Medicine offers two tuition scholarships of 2,000 Euros each, tor two students from Russia who will be accepted to study to any of MSc programs.

• Furthermore, a number of full end partial scholarships to cover tuition fees are awarded to MSc and PhD students based on academic criteria.

• In addition to the above, various types of scholarships are available specifically for PhD students, for years 2, 3 and 4 which may cover costs of consumables and/or a monthly allowance.

• The exact amount and number of scholarships that are offered is always subject to the yearly budget of the School.

More information about the scholarship can be found on the website.

Questions may be asked via

Курсы повышения квалификации по персидскому языку

Культурное представительство при Посольстве Исламской Республики Иран в Российской
Федерации сообщает о том, что с 4 июля по 3 августа 2017 года при поддержке Фонда Саади (Тегеран) будут проводиться курсы повышения квалификации по персидскому языку для студентов и преподавателей российских университетов,
изучающих и преподающих персидский язык, в качестве одного из основных языков.
Кандидатам на участие в стажировке необходимо зарегистрироваться на сайте Фонда Саади и заполнить электронную анкету на сайте Фонда: до 8 апреля 2017 года. После заполнения анкеты кандидатуры будут рассматриваться в соответствии с предъявленными к участникам требованиями.
Расходы, связанные с обучением на курсах, проживанием, питанием на территории Ирана и культурной программой, Фонд Саади берёт на себя. Оплата проезда в обе
стороны осуществляется самим участником стажировки.

Summer School of Slavonic Languages in Olomouc (Czech Republic)

Dear SPbU students!

Palacky University in Olomouc Invites to study at the Summer School of
Slavonic Languages. Summer School is designed for foreigners interested in the Czech
language and other Slavonic languages of all ages and any level of
knowledge of the Czech. The lessons are complemented with cultural events,
Theatre workshop, exhibition of the Moravian folklore music and dance,
film club, weekend trips to famous and popular places around Morava and
More detailed information is published on the website:

Summer seminar in Charles University (Prague)

We have a pleasure to invite you to Summer Seminar on Nationalism, Religion and Violence organized by the Charles University in Prague. It is led by international researchers from universities with excellent reputation such as Oxford, NYU or LSE targeting students and graduates of Political Science, History, Anthropology, International Relations, International Law and other related disciplines. The course can be taken by both undergraduates and (post) graduate students. 

For further information please visit the website of the Nationalism, Religion and Violence Summer Seminar: 

If you or anyone has any questions about the summer seminar, please feel free to